The Topaz 16 is a full on high performance catamaran that is a favourite with the Topper staff. But don’t take our word for it:

“The Topaz 16 was the first cat to bridge the gap between low cost rotomoulded hull construction and true performance cat sailing.”

“The Topaz 16CX has all the attributes for a new International Youth Cat: low cost, durable, true performance and fun to sail”

“On the water it feels stiffer, lighter and more dynamic than any rotomoulded cat produced by Dart or Hobie, with taut feedback that qualifies as ‘true performance’ sailing” Y&Y

“In terms of value, nothing comes close to the Topaz 16” Y&Y

“Forget all those old catamaran preconceptions. Topaz cats are a joy to flick from tack to tack” Y&Y

“What’s more the Topaz 16 is an easy boat to handle” Y&Y

“Pedigree is what counts, Rob White and Yves Loday have put decades of experience into the Topaz cats” Y&Y